Daily musings of mine

Monday, May 17, 2010

Sometimes I sit here and look around at the things I have that mean nothing and 90 percent of it I wouldn't even miss if it vanished one day, like a jacket hanging on my clothes rack that hasn't even been worn, that jacket would mean the world to a freezing homeless person but for me it's just another thing, things all these things. I could just sell it all and give the money too charity but even then, How will I know that this money is being used for good, and I mean all of it not just ten percent with the rest going towards a plush office and a first class plane ticket for a head honcho at some "charity". There are hungry people everywhere and a multitude of charity's offering to do something about it with the money you give them but all these add campaigns and other things cost money don't they? It breaks my heart thinking about the horrible things happening every second and my inability to do anything about it but throw money at these charity's just kills me, I wont be doing it anymore, with all the money I have donated I could have been to another country and physically done something worthwhile, Hell I probably could have adopted a child in need by now. Don't just think that by giving money out you have done your part, please please try to actively involve yourself in changing things sign petitions, attend peaceful protests and never block out the things that go on in this world carry it with you and let people know that even though the world is a maze of bureaucracy and government and people control things using money there are future generations waiting in the wings and if we adjust our attitude and mind set now we can influence the future.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Crazzzzy Weather

So It's the weekend and Melbourne has had crazy weather. Things like a flooded city centre, golf ball size hail and power outages. So soon we say goodbye to summer and apparently we skip Autumn altogether and go straight to the heart of winter, if only I had a fire place I wouldn't mind a bit. So I am trying to think up some great cold weather activities and any suggestions are more than welcome. On a lighter note I got the best gift ever the other day, a couple of blogs back i mentioned how great it would be to have a shell necklace, well a work friend has given one to me after reading the blog, what a thoughtful lady *SMILES*
And also another bonus about the cold, I have purchased some great second hand jackets and I have been hanging out to wear them YAW now I can booyah ( that's right I just said booyah )

Winter Tidings


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Went shopping for a pair of shoes today and ended up in platypus Melbourne Central. Can I just say that the boys working in there were an extremely good looking bunch, the only downside is for a shy gal like myself this was a little intimidating :o I tried on a pair of shoes and they were to big so I asked for a smaller size and he said wait what guys or girls? I didn't realise but I had tried on the guy size. I was pretty embarrassed but hey I got some sweet shoes and a sly little checkout of some cute shoe shop guys :).

Wishing you more cute boys


Monday, February 22, 2010

Tea Time & Shells

I just picked some fresh Pineapple Sage from the herb garden and made some tea, It's so yummy and fresh :)

Pineapple Sage Tea
1 quart water
½ cup packed fresh pineapple sage leaves
3 T honey
1 lemon or lime
Bring water just to a boil and pour over the sage leaves.
Stir in honey and lemon or lime juice to taste.
Steep tea for approximately 20 minutes.
Bring to a boil and then strain into mugs.

I was thinking today i need to ride my bike more often, It's a little hard to ride it up hills because it's so heavy but the more I do It, the easier it will get right?
Also I am pondering the Dennis Leary song "asshole" in which he makes reference to America having the bombs, that doesn't seem right to me are the the only ones with them? maybe he is being sarcastic.

You know what a great thing to do is? Put a shell on a necklace I want to but i don't have a small drill, If i did it would be sweet. A little bit of beach where ever you go.

In a perfect world no country would have the bomb, just love and respect for each man and his culture.

Have happy tea times. x

The others

Check this out, similar to mine but a little more lady and somewhat easy to relate t0http://girltalkrunawaythoughts.blogspot.com/


Keep on Truckin

Well no followers, I am writing to myself bah. Has anyone noticed how funny it is to use the word dinosaur? I don't know if it's because they are extinct or they are huge or what. For instance I'm so hungry I could eat a dinosaur, ridiculous right? you cant eat a dinosaur they are HUGE and extinct. My mind has been somewhat occupied by the dilemma of moving out or traveling. On one hand there is the freedom of you own little place you can do whatever the hell you want there, but on the other hand jetting off to exciting places new experiences and fun times. Both have downsides but the downsides are equal to each other sigh* if anyone ever reads this i would love an opinion. Currently I am into picnics by the river, on these hot sunny afternoons. There is yummy picnic food, sunshine, water, wildlife and I did a little exploring behind a curtain of oak tree branches and discovered a path leading to little shanty shack, just a tarp strung up and a sleeping bag with a table and all completely hidden from view. I felt like Huck Fin or one of the Fab Five. If you live near a river go have a picnic, it's free and fun :).

Enjoy whats left of the summer xx00

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Well here we are blog blog, Guess this will just be things that have me thinking lately and trust me it wont be anything deep or prophetic or even meaning full but here they are all the same. Probably the main thing that had my attention held for longer than usual was the old lady i seen in the food court of my local shopping centre, she was reading a book but it wasn't just any book it was none other than the babysitters club the very much loved series of my tween years. Nostalgia kicked and i realised that I was really a big fan of them back in the day and until i seen this senior citizen thoroughly enjoying it I wouldn't be caught dead reading it anymore. Now it's more than likely that your thoughts are along the lines of "This is the most pointless blog ever written" and that might just be true but think about it a little harder don't you have something you used to love that never even crosses your mind any more? I quick sticks got a hold of a babysitters club book and had a good read, I felt warm and fuzzy as I remembered the good times I had reading the books, watching the show and playing babysitters club with my friends we had the best time and it just was cool to remember it. Also I have to put in a word on this blog for the token person in the club dancing maniacally to any song that comes on, they may have a couple of wanker friends impressed by your insane hopping around but after much spilt drinks and elbowing, every one around u wishes u would piss of. Sorry had to say that but don't want to end on a bad note so i will leave you with my lesson learnt "If u don't care what people think you have more fun" such as having an awesome as time reading babysitters club despite the fact that you are 70 but also remember if what your doing is ruining things for others stop doing it for the good of man kind please stop : ) So people of the Bloggosphere hoping u enjoyed the read.

Stay sweet