Daily musings of mine

Monday, May 17, 2010

Sometimes I sit here and look around at the things I have that mean nothing and 90 percent of it I wouldn't even miss if it vanished one day, like a jacket hanging on my clothes rack that hasn't even been worn, that jacket would mean the world to a freezing homeless person but for me it's just another thing, things all these things. I could just sell it all and give the money too charity but even then, How will I know that this money is being used for good, and I mean all of it not just ten percent with the rest going towards a plush office and a first class plane ticket for a head honcho at some "charity". There are hungry people everywhere and a multitude of charity's offering to do something about it with the money you give them but all these add campaigns and other things cost money don't they? It breaks my heart thinking about the horrible things happening every second and my inability to do anything about it but throw money at these charity's just kills me, I wont be doing it anymore, with all the money I have donated I could have been to another country and physically done something worthwhile, Hell I probably could have adopted a child in need by now. Don't just think that by giving money out you have done your part, please please try to actively involve yourself in changing things sign petitions, attend peaceful protests and never block out the things that go on in this world carry it with you and let people know that even though the world is a maze of bureaucracy and government and people control things using money there are future generations waiting in the wings and if we adjust our attitude and mind set now we can influence the future.