Daily musings of mine

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Well here we are blog blog, Guess this will just be things that have me thinking lately and trust me it wont be anything deep or prophetic or even meaning full but here they are all the same. Probably the main thing that had my attention held for longer than usual was the old lady i seen in the food court of my local shopping centre, she was reading a book but it wasn't just any book it was none other than the babysitters club the very much loved series of my tween years. Nostalgia kicked and i realised that I was really a big fan of them back in the day and until i seen this senior citizen thoroughly enjoying it I wouldn't be caught dead reading it anymore. Now it's more than likely that your thoughts are along the lines of "This is the most pointless blog ever written" and that might just be true but think about it a little harder don't you have something you used to love that never even crosses your mind any more? I quick sticks got a hold of a babysitters club book and had a good read, I felt warm and fuzzy as I remembered the good times I had reading the books, watching the show and playing babysitters club with my friends we had the best time and it just was cool to remember it. Also I have to put in a word on this blog for the token person in the club dancing maniacally to any song that comes on, they may have a couple of wanker friends impressed by your insane hopping around but after much spilt drinks and elbowing, every one around u wishes u would piss of. Sorry had to say that but don't want to end on a bad note so i will leave you with my lesson learnt "If u don't care what people think you have more fun" such as having an awesome as time reading babysitters club despite the fact that you are 70 but also remember if what your doing is ruining things for others stop doing it for the good of man kind please stop : ) So people of the Bloggosphere hoping u enjoyed the read.

Stay sweet